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New Releases and Stuff

Apr 11, 2020

Hi Friends!
Al Hilgendorf here. And it looks like I'll be here for awhile. I know some of you may be having a hard time with this "shelter in place" for various reasons and we all hope it ends soon. Many musicians/creators are using this time to go live on the internet and release new creations. I've been doing a little of both. I released a new blues song called "This Old World" that should be available on streaming services soon. I also recorded the song live in the studio and put it on my YouTube channel. I've also recorded two new instrumentals for my Blue Light Corridor project. "Can't Talk Now" and "Awake My Soul" should be available very soon. Check out my Blue Light Corridor YouTube channel if you don't have a favorite streaming service. Since the "shelter in place" many musicians are producing music and it's caused a slowdown in getting the songs to the streaming services but they should be available within the week.
So what's next? I've decided to start work on my 5th CD. Right now it's tentatively titled "Love Like This". It's been fun to start working on a group of songs again.
Thank you, as always, for your continued interest and support of my music.
I wish you all health and blessings!
