I received some exciting news the other day. A group out of West Virginia called "Fully Immersed" recorded my songs "Let Heaven Come Down" and "Lord, I Am Amazed". They are in the process of having the CDs manufactured and I'm excited to hear what they've done. Their website is http://www.fullyimmersed.com/
I picked up the May edition of Technologies for Worship Magazine and was quite surprised to find my name among the various top ten charts on page 16. On the Worshipsong.com chart "You Are a Mighty God" was #7 and "You Are Faithful" was #10. I now absolutely know what it feels like to "do a double take"!
Chris Chapman, the amazing bass player from my first recording, has agreed to play on my next CD. I'll be recording him some time in July when he's between cruise ship gigs.
I'm excited to be participating in Kalamazoo's "Fete de la Musique" event on June 21. "Fete" is an all day musical event that takes place all over downtown. I don't know my scheduled place or time yet but I'll be a regular street musician playing praise and worship for whoever will stop and listen. You can watch for the schedule here: http://www.kalamazoofete.com/Who_and_Where_is_Fete_.html
Thanks so much for your continued interest and support!