Hi Friends! "God's Love Changes Everything" happens to be the theme of my home church, Agape Christian Church, in Kalamazoo, MI USA. I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner but I realized that that was a great title for a song. Over three days in the middle of July I wrote it and our music team presented it the following Sunday. After church, our mysterious website custodian asked if I had any plans to record the song. I didn't have plans to record it right away but he convinced me that it could be used in the church's online media whatever stuff. I usually don't trust men with fake mustaches, but this was a really good fake mustache, so I decided to comply. After about four weeks in the studio, the song is finished and available now to everyone. You can listen and download it directly from CD Baby here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/alhilgendorf5 or indirectly through my website http://www.everydaypraise.com. Or you can wait for iTunes or Amazon if 59 cents is just not enough for you.
Seriously, though, I've felt from the beginning that the message of this song is an important one and I hope it blesses you and that you feel free to share it with friends, post it on social media, send it to your worship leader, etc. (as always the chord chart is free on my website). Thank you so much for your continued interest in my songs.