As we are diving into the holidays, I'm thankful for the technology that allows me to bring my songs to you and for your interest and support. But, as I experienced, this technology can be a mixed blessing. Turn on my phone or computer and soon I find a plethora of updates waiting for me, or video software that doesn't want to play nice, or an accidental password change (don't ask). The blessings of man are often mixed but isn't it great to know that the "Blessings of the Lord brings wealth and he adds no trouble to it"! So, as I continue to work on my album project "Restore", I also like to record an odd (and I do mean "odd") song here and there. This weeks odd song is called "Star and Satellite". A little while ago I was observing one night how a star and satellite look the same from earth even though they are billions of miles apart, and I thought it was a good metaphor for unrequited love and that there was a song in there somewhere. I did write the song, played it for a few friends and got a very good response so I decided to record it, not really intending to release it, but at the urging of a couple of other friends, it is. You can check it out on my YouTube page, or Spotify, or iTunes, etc. And, just for your information, CD Baby is offering one penny shipping for the month of December, so if you like CD's, this is the time. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season wherever you are!!!!